Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Oh my busy life...

I've been super busy not to mention very ill for months. I finally found a doctor (who is also a holistic practitioner) who was able to figure out what's wrong with me. I am allergic to gluten (which was in half the food I was eating) and I have to be tested for celiac disease. I also have candida and had to go on the detox to get rid of it. No fruit or grains killed me! I was very tired the whole time I was on the detox. I am now off of it thankfully! I was dying for a smoothie =]
I also (obviously) had to start being on a gluten free diet. I'm crushed because I'm a bread and pasta lover. The gf diet is hard enough but when you add being vegan on top of that combined with where I live (WV which might as well be called the hunting state), you get something that seems nearly impossible. Unless you like living on only veggies and, quite frankly, I don't. Don't get me wrong, I eat tons of fruit and veggies every day but I also like other things too. After grieving over my loss of wheat breads and pastas, I got over it and realized this was not only going to cure my stomach ills but also make me healthier! I'm not as disappointed anymore.
I'm going to Cleveland, OH this weekend and I'm going to go to my first ever raw restaurant! I will definitely post pictures and talk about the restaurant when I get back. I'm going for a mewithoutYou show but the Whole Foods Market and raw restaurant are definitely pluses! There isn't a single Whole Foods or Trader Joe's in WV. We are a truly deprived state.

1 comment:

  1. It was so hard for me to go gluten-free at first! after cheating a few times I realized how sick it was making me and I feel a lot better off it. I too have chronic fatigue and hypothyroid. Celiac and thyroid issues can go together. Actually celiac and any autoimmune disorder.
